Immersive Experience

Mixed Reality, Efficient Outcomes

Whatever the industry, you can’t afford mistakes. You need your people to act faster and smarter, with less risk and more results. Learn how immersive experiences can help.  

Targeted Solutions: Defense and Health

Healthcare and the military are two of the areas where every second counts—and where immersive can make the difference. Explore our solutions in these two critical areas.

Our Nationwide Network

It’s not only our immersive solutions that make ĢƵ Allen stand out. We offer you empathetic, user-first design, along with the ability to scale applications with open resources and agile processes. We provide talent that covers the gaming, AI, and immersive fields, connected with powerful partners from startups to industry leaders. And we offer you studios in leading locations. Explore news from our network below.

Meet Our People

Our team includes leaders in data science, analytics, virtual reality, wargaming, and more.


Ready to take the next step in your career in the virtual and augmented reality industry? Check out open positions today by clicking the link below.

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