Ensuring Decision Advantage in the Indo-Pacific

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Adopt Open Architecture to Enable Secure, Scalable Solutions

In the digital battlespace, connecting warfighters to information when and where it’s needed is key to successful strategic efforts. Given the Indo-Pacific region's fluid situation, the ability to flex as missions change is essential. In addition, technologists need to accommodate evolving DOD priorities and directives, ready to pivot rapidly and cost-effectively. A modular open-systems approach (MOSA) allows organizations to accomplish all these objectives. 

Using MOSA, defense organizations can adopt vendor-agnostic system architectures. Based on open-source solutions, these architectures provide interoperability between components using government-owned application programming interfaces (API). Solutions are scalable, with built-in security. Moreover, they provide plug-and-play interoperability while empowering DOD to own its technical baseline.

Explore the Advantages of a Flexible Data Fabric

MOSA provides the way to develop frameworks that can be leveraged to create a data fabric—an integrated data platform that makes data secure, discoverable, and synchronizable. A data fabric manages data flows and prioritizes interoperability at all levels within a secure, discoverable, and synchronizable framework. If federated, a network of these open-architecture-based data solutions can make interservice connections incorporating methods and procedures for moving data between classification levels and services. 

Imagine connecting Indo-Pacific forces to satellite feeds relaying developments in real time, giving warfighters access to analytics that provide insights from the enterprise to the edge—whether forces are on a battleship in the Pacific, trekking out from a forward post, or at USINDOPACOM headquarters.

Offer Incentives to Update Data Governance

DOD may decide to implement one unified data fabric or an integrated, federated data fabric connecting platforms and partners. Either way, modernizing approaches for moving data between services and commands is an essential step to developing these platforms. Currently, data access requires a chain of approvals, slowing access to information in a region where up-to-the-second situational awareness is crucial.

Offering siloed organizations incentives to adopt a data stewardship approach would be one way to effect faster change. For example, providing guidelines for protecting classified data while allowing access to unclassified portions of that data would give developers information to develop data protocols within the data framework—simplifying sharing to any federated organization, whether to allies or joint forces worldwide.

The next-generation technologies behind data fabrics are agile enough to handle the constant flow of intelligence collected by assets in the Indo-Pacific and other regions. As the connective tissue, the data fabric will simplify quick retrieval of this information, unveiling patterns, pinpointing adversarial activity, and supporting decisions for all services and combatant commands.

Advance Command and Control with Analytics, AI, and DevSecOps

In addition to connecting data across the services, data fabrics can integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics to turn data into insight for rapid decision making. AI can automate routine analytic tasks, revolutionize decision-making accuracy and speed, and create real-time advantages for the warfighter. For example, our AI servicesÌý³¦²¹²Ô:

  • Empower organizations for AI adoption
  • Design and develop highly intelligent systems
  • Build scalable AI solutions and analytical infrastructure
  • Advance smart solutions for emerging missions

In tandem, DevSecOps rapidly transforms ideas into technologies supporting combatant commands and their missions. This seamless, highly-automated approach meshes application development with IT operations, embedding powerful security protections from the ground up. At the same time, risk is reduced, speed of delivery is increased, and deployments are safer—all at reduced costs and little or no downtime.

Edge computing allows for greater efficiencies by networking across a broader ecosystem and transforming strategic decision making outside the IT enterprise. It puts data and information into warfighters’ hands, allowing fast action—whether for a gray-zone provocation or analysis of a critical threat. Edge computing also enables faster, decentralized decision making without waiting for validation from a central command or a distant server.

Mission-Critical Support for Today and Tomorrow

For decades, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Allen has pioneered ways to bring about change for the U.S. military, both rapidly and securely. From embedding cybersecurity from the ground up to supporting training exercises via strategic and technical advancements, our experts have developed innovations that help clients modernize faster and accelerate the future of all-domain operations. 

In addition, we're helping DOD innovate with data fabric technologies such as the U.S. Army's Rainmaker solution, a flexible framework to keep data secure and accessible across all domains while supporting DOD's goals for a connected mission partner environment. Whether you're beginning your modernization exploration or looking to explore advanced capabilities, we're ready to accelerate your success.

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