An Agile Mindset in Military Acquisitions

The Solution

ĢƵ Allen deployed more than 10 development changes and 32 application-level releases, with DOD 5000 processes and reviews also incorporated, to address both security patches and changes in functional requirements to multiple applications.

The Agile software development process reduced the “requirement to deployed solution” timeline from months to weeks. The number of defects found decreased by an average of 58 percent, enabling delivery teams to respond to changing requirements quickly.

Adopting Agile reduced risk and shortened the timeline for application enhancements while ensuring 2,500 end users were trained prior to deployment.

In support of the Agile process, we also implemented an open-source cloud solution to keep licensing costs down and avoid locking in vendors. The physical server footprint was reduced by 83 percent, maintenance downtime was cut by 75 percent, and the agency reduced annual infrastructure costs by 37 percent—earning a 168-percent ROI.

The Future

Looking to modernize and transform your organization? ĢƵ Allen’s technology experts are up to the challenge. We help government leaders think through their mission challenges strategically, developing leading digital solutions to meet them.