Combating Human Trafficking Using Data Science

The Approach

With a passion for investing in social good, ĢƵ Allen offered to help Polaris. Together, we explored a number of problem-solving techniques to identify new ways to model the data Polaris used to map human trafficking networks. Challenged with the task of mapping networks in cities as large as 18 million people, Polaris needed a tool that would be flexible and scalable enough to address the needs of law enforcement, service providers and policymakers.

Together, ĢƵ Allen and Polaris worked to better automate the mapping process, take on bigger cities containing hundreds—even thousands—of massage businesses, and train the model for wider circulation. “We started the proof of concept by identifying 35 [businesses] and then went to 900. It was a huge leap,” says Jennifer Kimball of Polaris.

The partnership resulted in a more developed and dynamic mapping system that easily adapts to new data inputs and doesn’t require the map to be rebuilt every time information is updated or changed.

Several states have adopted the mapping tool for use among law enforcement agencies and are doing enterprise-level investigations for human trafficking based off the tools and training that Polaris was able to provide.

The Future

The mapping tool tracks organized criminal networks in some of the largest cities in the U.S. and has enabled a better understanding of recruitment tactics. Polaris continues to scale the process of getting cities, law enforcement, and policy makers to take on the full task of investigation, using the mapping tool to educate and inform approaches for addressing human trafficking associated with illicit massage businesses.

As a partner, ĢƵ Allen is turning its attention to how Polaris addresses other critical issues, including bilingual recruitment and prevention strategies that will allow them to get ahead of the illegal businesses, counteract their messages, and get help for those who make contact.

Together, ĢƵ Allen and Polaris are disrupting criminal networks and using technology to fight for the freedom—and safety—of trafficking victims around the globe.