Human Performance Training for Military Missions

Elements of the Human Performance Program

Increased effectiveness, reduced risk, and precise training for the mission at hand—these are the benefits of elite human performance. In addition to optimizing the pillars listed above, our human dimension training program combines immersive simulations with design and implementation support for tactical equipment. Data-driven training solutions leverage emerging augmented and virtual realities, AI, intelligence-grade cyber, and deep learning technologies that adapt and continually challenge the warfighter. From simulations to mission performance and on to long-term behavior change, trainees will undergo a holistic training experience.

Tactical Training: Immersive tools provide feedback and metrics to evaluate trainees’ past versus current performance. It can be delivered through various approaches, including field-based, didactic, mobile, blended learning, live, virtual, constructive, and gaming.

Immersive Experience: Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) scenarios allow trainees to safely practice navigating stressful situations. Immersive applications also allow instructors to easily distribute standardized tactical training across locations and organizations. 

Athlete Management System: Trainees will receive benefits seamlessly through our cloud-based, mobile solution that ingests bio and neurofeedback data and is agnostic of hardware-based sensors. This comprehensive solution incorporates data analytics, visualization, and reporting capabilities while also allowing for AI/machine learning models to be run on real-time and historical data to predict and prevent injury. 

Biometric Data Capture: Wearable technology will capture data to quantify and evaluate tactical athlete performance through eye tracking, heat maps, heart rate variability, ECG-based stress and mental fatigue measurements, oxygen absorption, and inertial measurement units that track attributes such as posture and body stance.

Artificial Intelligence: Driven by powerful algorithms, AI systems will analyze collected data to identify the root causes of physical and cognitive challenges, allowing instructors and trainees to target areas for the next training cycle to create a continuous loop of improvement.

Benefits of Human Performance Training

Human performance solutions help trainees improve physical and psychological performance so they’re ready take on the future battlefield and carry the training throughout their lives—both during and after they complete their service. Benefits include:  

Mobility, flexibility, and access—Available at any time, place, or frequency, this training gives users repeated training in realistic battlefield environments—even those that are difficult to replicate in the real world. This method also allows for rapid updating of a digital curriculum for students and instructors in remote locations.

Cost savings and efficiencies—The ability to quickly update course content and train geographically dispersed warfighters simplifies programmatic challenges and reduces labor, equipment needs, and travel costs. 

Data-driven, actionable feedback—Simulating stressful or strenuous events, this training stirs trainees’ emotions and enables them to rehearse actions across a range of situations. It tracks biofeedback, including the user’s actions, reaction time, and gaze behavior, and delivers instant pointers and feedback that replicate in-person instruction. It also adapts to the users’ needs and cognitive abilities, so the difficulty gradually increases as they sharpen their skills. 

Reduced risk to people, systems, and equipment—This training transports users into a simulated environment to practice high-risk tasks, gain realistic experience, and build muscle memory and neural connections without risking harm.

Improved collaboration—A 24/7 collaborative environment connects multiple, geographically dispersed teams for highly complex tactical training.

Assured design and development—This specialized training enables exploration of how different materials, technology, and designs impact performance, gathering feedback before products or systems are built.

Partnerships to Prepare for the Future Battlefield

Collaboration and integration are crucial to the success of a human performance program. Partnerships among industry, academia, athletics, and other sectors create access to the best emerging technology the market has to offer. Together, partners can work side by side to seamlessly integrate immersive into the unique constraints of the military training environment.

With Open Architecture, Everyone Wins

An open, yet secure architecture enables the military to quickly and easily integrate new partners and technologies as they are identified. As a result, soldiers, trainers, buyers, and decision makers are working with the most up-to-date training experiences.

Warfighters are ready for the future battlefield. Because of their holistic training, they have the physical and mental fortitude to take on anything. They are resilient. Their ability to react in an instant helps them make smarter, faster decisions that achieve mission success while reducing risk.

Buyers and decision makers are continuously innovative. They save time and money by owning the application programming interfaces needed to leverage and seamlessly integrate the latest emerging technologies. They are helping warfighters perform at their most lethal—ready for the fight and resilient in battle.

Trainers work together across geographies to plan the right approach. They can identify the root causes of physical and cognitive challenges and develop strategies to overcome them. They are trusted to fortify warfighters’ physical and mental skills—and train soldiers for lethality—without putting them at unnecessary risk.

Traditional and non-traditional partners—from industry, defense, academia, and beyond—are collaborative. They work together to empower the future warfighter and help them continually push the edge. 

How Our Viewpoint Evolved

We have supported the U.S. Army since 1941 and have a strong dedication to veterans and their transition to the workforce. Our decades-long commitment gives us an unparalleled understanding of the mission, as well as the tactical knowledge and experience to know what works. 

We are masters of immersive, artificial intelligence, and data science—conducting groundbreaking research that advances tradecraft and evaluates emerging technologies. We focus on effectively solving problems—not just building things—so we’re tech-agnostic. We scout the best technology for the mission needs, integrate it into the environment, and implement the right policies, processes, training, and culture changes—serving as a technology translator that can see the big picture yet knows how each piece works together.

From strategy to implementation, we build and integrate end-to-end performance programs that not only improve physical and psychological performance, but also ensure the satisfaction and health of the warfighter now and in the journey forward.